a man and his prolific use of web browsers

​As I type this, there are anywhere from 40 to 4000 tabs open in three browsers on my desktop. I use Google Chrome for SEO and SERPs, keyword research, and running Google’s Lighthouse audits from the Dev Tools on my website. I use the Brave Browser for interfacing with Google’s Web Marketing Platform, and I use Firefox for YouTube, GitHub, web development searches and whatever else it is I do all day on the computer.

​But today’s focus is not on my prolific use of web browsers, but on the sprawling sitemap that gives the web crawling bots a reason the crawl. The baffling world of services offered by Google, and how the tools available to help even the most poverty stricken internet connected individuals out there. Believe me, I know.

These tools available for the price of free, and if used correctly, can help you understand what people want, how you can give it to them, and how to make money giving people what they want.

It seems so simple when you break it down, and for some it is, but alas, I have never known the good graces of the dollar bill.

Conspiracy of the old-timey Capitalist and Sisyphean Punishment.

In fact, if I were a more suspicious man, I may have thoughts of an elaborate conspiracy, with a cartoonish caricature of a capitalist in a stovepipe hat as my punisher. He is dangling dollar bills, just out of my reach, watching me chase the dangling dollars like a carrot on a string.

Does he taunt me for the profit, justice, or entertainment? Does he have a laugh as I stumble forward with arms extended and hands outreached? Does he burst out in great amusement as I swipe for the unreachable prize? What kind of evil would take such pleasure in orchestrating an innocent man’s Sisyphean punishment? What sport is there in observing a man’s hopeless efforts of reaching an impossible goal, when the fixer knows that I shall never grasp that for which my hands reach…


Mystery of the Stove ? Hat

One of the interesting things I do all day on the internet in the Firefox Browser.

The situation was thus:

I could not recall the name of the hat that old-timey capitalists wore.

My solution to this problematic query was solved thusly:

I knew the word “stove” was in there, and I knew I was looking for a hat. So I searched like this: Alt

And look at those results!

The Lens of an Idiot

This is a great example of how a seemingly moronic solution can prove to be uniquely effective at solving a problem. When approaching a problem of moronic nature, forget everything you’ve learned. View the problem through the lens of an idiot. If the problem is quite dumb, the solution should be equally stupid.

I was so proud of my accomplishment that I clicked on the amazon link at the top of the page and ordered myself the biggest, shiniest stovetop hat I could find.

I then forgot why I was looking for the word in the first place, and called it a day.

In summation:

  • And what does any of this have to do with Google’s Marketing Platform?
  • What does Sisyphus have to do with stovepipe hats?

ADHD Chronicles, Volume I.

to be continued…