Who are They who say?

“We must go faster”, tis the only way!

But who are they?

why should I care if they say things that way?

I choose to go slower, my speed of choice is mine to say.

Very well, I’m going to pontificate in a most bodacious way.


“Why are we going faster?

where? why? for whom?

upon whose behest?

What if I like slow speeds the best? My preference for speed is a simple request.

I like things in a particular way. I like them just so, not fast, but slow.

and of all two speeds that I do know,

there is one speed that I prefer above the rest,

without a doubt, that speed is is slow. Because it is best.

Now, with that off my chest I may get some slow rest.

I shan’t go faster henceforth.

pontification_on_speed = 
"Upon whose behest was a standard set, 
that of all two speeds put to the test,  
the speed of fast was determined best?" 

who was granted the authority?
By whom was this authority granted? 
My vote was not cast, 
this is not playing straight, 
it is completely slanted!
I protest! 
Who decided fast is best? 
For everyone here, 
for everyone there,
for everyone from here to Budapest
Who is so brave to ask no request, 
when deciding for all 
that the one speed chosen
as the superior speed above the rest, 
was Chosen incorrectly, 
and I do protest 
to those who claim that FASTER IS BEST!


What then I say?

You reply, “Things will always be bad you’ll always feel sad.”

Or is that the idea you want me to have?

Why are we goin faster?

what is the number one speed of all speeds?

which speed could it be?

which speed will win which speed will be chosen?

could it be speed one or could it be three?

or maybe speed two is the speed to be?

If I were a speed would I still be me?

I bet I would be if I were a three.

the number three speed index version of me.

tales from the darkside through a grey forest of bare trees

a speed is a speed. indeed.

any questions? any complaints?

absorb them into your soft mushy brain.