File formats and Audio Codecs A Digital Audio Signal is created from by an Analog to Digital Converter Digital Signature is turned into a format to be played. CODEC Compression and de-compression


wma mp3 () aac (higher quality lower bitrate) ogg vorbis

easy to download on device


  • .flac

Apple Lossless

  • .alac


  • WAV (Only Minimal Metadata)
  • AIFF

Metadata & Tags

Information about the songs in the audio file.

  • Artist
  • Album
  • Genre
  • Mood
  • BPM
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Links

All original data with smaller file sizes more effeciently store redundant data can store only difference. can compress more than ‘zip’ takes 1/2 less space than uncompressed.

  • .flac
  • .alac (Apple Music/iTunes)