the style therein as told by Mozilla.

I make no claims of original content on this page. I typed the page into this note, and am sharing it here for the sake of providing useful information to those who may benefit.

The act of plagiarism notwithstanding, I have no plagiaristic intentions.

CSS Selectors

Basic Selectors

Universal Selector

Selects all elements. Optionally, it may be restricted to a specific namespace or to all namespaces.

Syntax: * ns|* *|*

Example: * will match all the elements of the document

Type Selector

Selects all elements that have the given node name/

Syntax: element-name

Example: input will match any <input> element.

Class Selector

Selects all elements that have the given class attribute

Syntax: .classname

Example: .index will match any element that has a class of “index”

ID Selector

Selects an element based on the value of its id attribute. There should only be one element with a given ID in a document.

Syntax: #idname

Example: #toc will match the element that has the ID “toc”.

Attribute Selector

Selects all elements that have the given attribute.

Syntax: [attr] [attr=value] [attr~=value] [attr|=value] [attt^=value] [attr$=value] [attr*=value]

Example: [autoplay] will match all elements that have the autoplay attribute set (to any value)

Grouping Selectors

Selector List

The , is a grouping method, it selects all the matching nodes.

Syntax: A, B

Example: div, span will match both <span> and <div> elements.


Descendant Combinator

The (space) combinator selects nodes that are descendants of the first element.

Syntax: A B

Example: div span will match all <span> elements that are inside a <div> element.

Child Combinator

The > combinator selects nodes that are direct children of the first element.

Syntax: A > B

Example: ul > li will match all <li> elements that are nested directly inside a <ul>


General Sibling Combinator

The ~ combinator selects siblings. This means that the second element follows the first (though not necessarily immediately), and both share the same parent.

Syntax: A ~ B

Example: p ~ span will match all <span> elements that follow a <p>, immediately or not.

Adjacent Sibling Combinator

The + cocmbinator selects adjacent siblings. This means that the second element directly follows the first, and both share the same parent.

Syntax: A + B

Example: h2 + p will match all <p> elements that directly follow an <h2>

Column Combinator

The || combinator selects nodes which belong to a column.

Syntax: A || B

Example: col || td will match all <td> elements that belong to the scope of <col>


Psuedo Classes

The : pseudo allow the selection of elements based on state information that is not contained in the document tree.b

Example: a:visited will match all <a> elements that have been visited by the user.

Psuedo Elements

The :: psuedo represent entities that are not included in HTML.

Example: p::first-line will match the first line of all <p> elements

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